
Decent Reviews Newsletter

Covering the biggest developments and projects in blockchain and Web3, and how they're going to affect usability and industry growth.

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Dune Analytics uses their product for easy marketing

So, the most recent study is on Dune Analytics. They've managed to create a product that basically handles all of their marketing for them. And they've built in some incredible features into the platform that better enables shares and benefits to everyone involved. It's an interesting approach. Check it out below the message under this section. I kick of this study mentioning another of my brands. my consulting business at Gorwth Models. As part of Growth Models, I've analysed the growth...

I've tried a couple of quest campaigns in my time, and never managed to get anything close to the results Linea did. They used Web3 questing as a GTM strategy and managed to attract 12M participants. Here's the analysis of their success just that. If you enjoy this, please consider liking, commenting on, or sharing one of the below social posts to help us reach more people. LinkedIn -- Twitter The Decent Reviews' Newsletter is sponsored by Blocksee. Blocksee brings the tried and true utility...

I've tried a couple of quest campaigns in my time, and never managed to get anything close to the results Linea did. They used Web3 questing as a GTM strategy and managed to attract 12M participants. Here's the analysis of their success just that. If you enjoy this, please consider liking, commenting on, or sharing one of the below social posts to help us reach more people. LinkedIn -- Twitter The Decent Reviews' Newsletter is sponsored by Blocksee. Blocksee brings the tried and true utility...

Hey! So we're now on the second of these brand studies and I would love to hear your thoughts on them. Useful? Too long/short? etc. Also, if there's any brands you want to know more about, just hit reply and let me know so I can add it to the list. If you'd rather read it on the website, you can do so here. And I would love your feedback on this. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please either hit reply or Tweet me at @HeyPJB or @Decreviews. Why Ledger's partnerships are more effective than...

Hey, thanks for being a subscriber. Below we've got the first of the new project studies where we examine how they've grown and what it means for the wider blockchain industry. If you'd rather read it on the website, you can do so here. And I would love your feedback on this. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please either hit reply or Tweet me at @HeyPJB or @Decreviews. How this unknown crypto brand generates 100,000+ monthly visitors going up against industry giants How this brand uses...

Quick question before we get into the meat today. We want to get new subs here for this newsletter and for DR as a whole. To that end, I'm thinking of creating something that persuades people to sign up. A simple lead magnet. I wondered what would be the lead magnet you would most want and would persuade you to sign up for this. If you could hit reply or tweet us at @DecReviews / @HeyPJB, that would be a huge help. Cheers! Quick hits Deutsche Bank applies for digital asset license in Germany...

It's often hard to keep your chin up with all of the FUD in this space. It feels like every day we're facing some new form of regulatory issue, negative sentiment, or declining numbers. Here's the thing. There is, in my opinion, still a lot to be positive about. There's some negative-sounding news in the main analysis today. But, I want to dig into it and see what it might really mean for us in the space. I'm also adding in a couple of the more positive pieces to show it ain't all doom and...

I'm currently writing this from the Centurion Lounge at London Heathrow. So if you see some typos or other issues, please give me a break. The good news is there's some interesting things that have been happening over the weekend, and I hope you enjoy reading our take on them. P.S. - If you could let me know on Twitter or LinkedIn your thoughts on this newsletter and what you would like to see to improve it, that would be great. Quick hits ZachXBT rallies support - I've long been a fan of...

Looks like Binance is getting hit yet again with more regulation BS. But is it all doom and gloom? Every cloud has a silver lining and all that, but this level of regulation might well be what's needed to separate the luke warm from the true believers. More on that below, and let me know your thoughts. First though... Quick hits Making Ripples with Colombia's central bank - Ripple's partnering with Colomboia's Banco de la Rebúlica. Another good signal that blockchain tech can bring real value...

Hey hey, So there's been a few developments at DecentReviews and I'd love to share them with you. Guest posts First up, we're now accepting guest posts from others in the space to help educate, inform, and build trust with others. If you have a topic you think more people should know about to be safer or more trusting in Web3, you can submit them through the below page. Discord server We're actively growing the community for more real-time information and...