They took it down :(

Hey hey,

So there's been a few developments at DecentReviews and I'd love to share them with you.

Guest posts

First up, we're now accepting guest posts from others in the space to help educate, inform, and build trust with others.

If you have a topic you think more people should know about to be safer or more trusting in Web3, you can submit them through the below page.

Discord server

We're actively growing the community for more real-time information and collaboration.

The Discord community is going to be the first port of call when we're...

  • Looking for feedback
  • Hiring
  • Running our giveaways

Yup, that's right, we're also running giveaways now and all of the details are in the Discord community.

If you want to be a part of this, you can join here.

New article up

A little while back I locked in a guest posting opportunity with a huge tech-focused Web 2.0 brand.

I wanted to use that platform to address some of the issues in Web3 to both help solve those problems and bring more awareness to Web3.

The piece was (is) very good in my obviously biased opinion.

It went through 3 rounds of edits with 3 editors. One of them a "Web3 Expert".

However, after going live on the site it got a couple of negative comments on-site and on social within the first 24 hours.

The site decided that the article should no longer run and removed it from its site for the risk it posed to its reputation.

I was bummed (most of all for that DA 90+ backlink), but I get it.

The good news is, they permitted me to share it elsewhere, so I've popped it up on our site.

You can read the offending article (which is super middle-of-the-road and non-combative) here.

If you have any feedback or ideas on how we can more quickly grow DR, I'm all ears. Just hit reply and let me know.



Decent Reviews Newsletter

Covering the biggest developments and projects in blockchain and Web3, and how they're going to affect usability and industry growth.

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I've tried a couple of quest campaigns in my time, and never managed to get anything close to the results Linea did. They used Web3 questing as a GTM strategy and managed to attract 12M participants. Here's the analysis of their success just that. If you enjoy this, please consider liking, commenting on, or sharing one of the below social posts to help us reach more people. LinkedIn -- Twitter The Decent Reviews' Newsletter is sponsored by Blocksee. Blocksee brings the tried and true utility...